Endometriosaurus Rex – Charity Patch


Endometriosis effects 1 in 10 women of child bearing age, which means that approximately 176 million women suffer from it worldwide. Despite this fact, I’ve discovered that there is very little known about what causes endometriosis and how to best prevent/treat it. Current treatments only alleviate symptoms (there is no cure) and often cause more serious side effects than the original symptoms.

Since March is apparently “Endometriosis Awareness Month” (news to me), I thought I would try to do my part and raise awareness/funds for research efforts. Sooooo…. calling all you patch whores. For $5.50, you can get this patch and send a donation to the World Endometriosis Research Foundation.

Patch is embroidered on twill, 4 x 2.5 inches, and the skeleton is glow in the dark. Includes postage.

Vendor: Double Dipped Designs
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Double Dipped Designs

Hi, I’m Double-Dipped Tip!  My friends told me they thought I had a talent for graphic design, so I decided to see what I could turn my designs into. With a lot of effort, I’ve built several partnerships to turn some really awesome, highly complex designs into very nice patches.  Now, I’m proud to have branched out into many other areas that I could apply my designs to, including bags, hats, sarongs, coozies, luggage tags, and I’m coming up with more ideas every day!  If you don’t see something you’re looking for in my store, please contact me at doubledippeddesigns.com.

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Endometriosis effects 1 in 10 women of child bearing age, which means that approximately 176 million women suffer from it worldwide. Despite this fact, I’ve discovered that there is very little known about what causes endometriosis and how to best prevent/treat it. Current treatments only alleviate symptoms (there is no cure) and often cause more serious side effects than the original symptoms.

Since March is apparently “Endometriosis Awareness Month” (news to me), I thought I would try to do my part and raise awareness/funds for research efforts. Sooooo…. calling all you patch whores. For $5.50, you can get this patch and send a donation to the World Endometriosis Research Foundation.

Patch is embroidered on twill, 4 x 2.5 inches, and the skeleton is glow in the dark. Includes postage.


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